Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Favorite Day Trips

By De'Etta

This is our first summer in Japan. Most of you know that my husband is deployed. I'd love to hear YOUR favorite day trips. Where should the kids and I be sure to explore this summer?

We have discovered Liberty Park, Swan Park and Momoishi Beach. Other suggestions? C'mon, leaving a comment is painless. If you don't have a google account, click anonymous and there you go, sign your name so I know who ask for details and directions. ::grin::


Anonymous said...

Hachinohe Botanical Garden and Childrens Park. Horse Park in Towada and the Towada Art Museum.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Lisa...is the horse park in Towada actually named "Horse Park" or does it have some other name? Sounds interesting.