Saturday, May 28, 2011

VBS 2011

July 25 - July 29 at the Misawa Air Base Chapel!

Last year, over 250 children enjoyed VBS.  2011 VBS promises to be an exciting week as kids of all ages learn God is WILD about them!  Click this link to read more, register your children or register yourself to volunteer.

For more information email

Enjoy this sneak preview! 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Summer Schedule

As we move in to summer don't forget to visit with us on Facebook. Check out the "Summer Information" tab above. A lot of great things have been planned for you; drop in Bible studies, Summer Book Club, Off Base adventures, Nursing Home Outreaches and Japan 101. Please join us as your schedule allows!

We look forward to enjoying sweet PWOC fellowship this summer in a bit of a different venue than is our norm.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

End of Year Luncheon

PWOC will soon be wrapping up the 2010/2011 year with an End of Year Luncheon. On Tuesday, May 24th, join us for a potluck spaghetti bar after bible study. Pasta and sauces will be provided, but you can sign up during bible study if you would like to contribute bread, salad, or dessert.

Tuesday, May 24th
9-11:15 Regular meeting for final small group and DVD session
11:30-12:30 End of Year Luncheon

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Spring Fling 2011

Semper Gumby was our motto as we planned this year's local retreat.

It was a learning experience and ultimately a joy (!) to serve as Misawa's Retreat Coordinator this year. We had a Fall Rally the end of August and had planned a 3 day/2 night retreat in May....the date had to change  due to Military exercises earthquake and tsunami, a voluntary departure involving many of our members, a return of many of our ladies (Welcome BACK!)...and a change in venues.....

Renee was our anointed speaker. She spoke on Glory, Arise, and Light from Is 60:1-3. This beautifully tied up our year's theme -  Shine in the Light of His Glory. We began exploring this theme at the Fall Rally focusing on Matt 5 and being salt and light. It has been amazing to watch how God prepared us for current events.

We went to Komaki for our Fri night meeting, dinner and onsen enjoyment-no onsen photos will be forthcoming. 

Retreat Team members showed up at 3:00 to set up (and repeated in a new location the next a.m.)

Chocolate and Onsen just go together....

Annette and Sarah were champs! 

Flowers, chocolate, candles...we're good. 

Ruth and Mandy, our registration team, BREATHED Semper Gumby! 

Perfect, one of our first registrants coordinates with the tote! Love ya, Tanya. 

Small group leaders are briefed and pray


Kobayashi-san is our liaison with Japanese Venues. He's invaluable and it was a learning experience to work with him this past year.  I learned much about Japanese culture. He very much approved of my announcements about onsen behavior - giving me high praise, "De'Etta-san, you are just like Japanese." 

I shared briefly about Dancing with God in shaky situations

Becky and Mandy led us to the throne of grace

We were OFF - with small groups exploring the concept of "Glory". 

Renee shared 3 sessions - centered on Glory, Arise, Light - Excellent time in the Word

I haven't a CLUE - but it was fun. 

We moved to Misawa AB ski lodge for Saturday's sessions. 


Renee kept things moving with charades, skits, times of personal reflection...we enjoyed munchies, games, sharing....

What is God calling you to Arise from and Arise to? 

Gifts were given to our amazing Retreat team. I asked two to remain and as all sat down, I realized Renee (speaker) and Susane (President)  are both leaving shortly. What a joy it has been to serve with these two ladies the past two years. 

Board gifts for Susane were two of Twyla Misawa's famous pillow cases, a photo albums, notes and letters from the PWOC group and a gift certificate for a facial. 

Well - something was funny, I'm sure. Work hard but HAVE FUN! 

Tara surprises me with a gift from y'all - card (such sweet encouragement from one of the best PWOC groups in the world) and itunes for my ipad (already purchased movie for my flight) and a bit of green for a pedicure (which is a new Misawa thing for me!). 

The event ended with the recognition and thanks to the 2010-2011 PWOC board and the installation of the 2011-2012 Misawa PWOC board.

Susane shared some thoughts on serving the past two years

2011-2012 Misawa PWOC Board (partial)
De'Etta (Pres), Mary (Titus 2), Mandy (Admin), Tara (Spiritual Life), Sarah (Finances), Christie (Hospitality), Ruth (Prayer)...Kristin (Programs) and Jess (Publicity) were unable to attend. There are still a few open positions.... ::wink, wink:: - We can promise you hard work, personal growth and lots of friendship and fun! 

{D's note} Group photo will be posted as it becomes available. I'll make discs of all retreat photos for those who want them when I return from the states.