Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Misawa Women’s Winter Day-Retreat 2012*

*Please note Misawa  Protestant Women of the Chapel is not sponsoring this event. This info is provided for informational purposes should you desire to participate. Questions should be directed to either Diana Matsumoto or the other POC's listed below.  This is being presented by Tohoko Celebration of Hope with Franklin Graham. 

“My Destiny in Jesus”

What: Fun, creativity, and times of refreshing for Japanese and English speaking women

Cost: --FREE !-- And lunch will be provided 

Where: Misawa International Center

When: Saturday, February 11, 2012

Time: 1000 to 1600 hrs. (If you cannot come for all, come for part!)

Hostess: Dianna Matsumoto, Tohoku Women’s Committee

Points of Contact:  (Please RSVP to Keiko or Jill)
Off Base--Keiko Alston: 0176-53-9850 (church)
On Base--Jill Quash: only personal number provided - please use above or RSVP to Diana below

Activities: Crafts, Demonstration of how to make and use Flags and Banners, Hebrew Dance, Small Group Discussions (inspirational and instructive topics TBA)

Sponsored by: Tohoku Kibo no Saiten “Tohoku Celebration of Hope” with Franklin Graham (

Questions? Feel free to call Dianna Matsumoto at 090-6624-3150

Note:  Diana requested this info me posted and approved the use of her personal number. 

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