Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Planning a New Ministry Year

Friday night and Saturday morning our local PWOC board  traveled to Lake Towada for a planning and training retreat. Our  goal was for all to begin building relationships with each other and for us to share vision. We accomplished both goals - splendidly - and had some fun along the way.  

The trip began with a diesel incident.  "Green means go" is a great mantra when you own a diesel van; not so great when you own a gas van. Enough said. ::grin:: Exhibiting superb flexibility, we simply packed into Muriel's car and headed out. 

The drive through Oriase Gorge is beautiful any time of year. 

Five us drove up in Muriel's car and stopped along the way for a photo or two. 

The first part of our weekend was spent  on various tests: Engage Your Strengths, a discussion of personality and love languages.  We breezed through the personality and love languages and spent quite a bit of time discussing strengths, how to play to them, how to lead with our strengths and relate to those with different strengths than ours. We committed to watch for barrier labels in ourselves and ones we may attach to children, friends and each other. 

We also shared how we envision walking out our various positions. 

Tara shares her position is one of pouring into ladies so they can pour out to others - leading to intimacy with Jesus and each other. 

Jess keeps us all together in her role as publicity team leader.

We shared lots of laughs and discovered Mandy is quite talented in the genre of  pipe-cleaner-art. 

Photo is missing several folks - but with creatively fun women like these - Misawa is in for a great year of PWOC. 

We spent time praying to identify needs we see in our Misawa Military Female population. We firmed up summer plans and decided on a few key elements of the year.  

Noting so many parading around in yukatas - we joined them. Even PWOC color! 

This was a good way for our new leadership team to get to know each other, share vision and begin moving as one to a new year of PWOC ministry. We were blessed to be afforded this opportunity and believe the fruit from this time together will bless the rest of Misawa PWOC in the upcoming year. 

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