Submitted By De’Etta Goecker, Asia Region President
This simple question raises a dilemma for many third culture kids and military spouses, me included. “Where IS home?”
How do I answer?
If the person seems like one with whom I’d like to strike up a conversation, or one that is honestly interested, I often say, “Africa or The Philippines”. If the person seems to be simply fulfilling social obligations, I’ll say, “Oregon,” and let it drop. If they seem interested after that, I’ll say, “My parents were missionaries, and we spent furloughs in OR.” If they are STILL interested, we go on to discuss Africa, Philippines, boarding school, Montana, Texas, Alaska, Japan…. Since home is where the heart is, many in my family respond to the question with one word, “Alaska”.
The reality for many of us in the midst of an OConus assignment is we will not “be home for Christmas.” We have parents, spouses, and/or children who we may not see during these Holy Days. I’ve been musing.
As Christians we know that, “This world is not our home”. I eagerly anticipate the time when farewells will cease and we’ll endlessly worship Jesus together, face to face. But for this season….separations from dear ones hurt.
“Home is where the heart is”. Hmmm… If this is true, and I begin to think it is, then it is possible for home to be a spot I’ve never seen. It’s possible home is in Spokane, WA…Eugene, OR…Crescent City, CA….Anchorage, AK….San Angelo, TX…Mangagoy; PI….Liberia, W Africa and Kabul, Afghanistan. The ultimate home being heaven….
It seems to me that no matter where I travel…or where pieces of my heart land with loved ones…if home IS where the heart is… regardless of physical location…I am always HOME for the Holy Days.
And so this season, I’ll be contentedly home in OR, home in TX, home in CA, and home in Japan, while dreaming of great reunions to come when we’ll all be truly HOME together – forever.
I count it a joy to be “home” with so many of you in Asia. Please know I’m praying for you as you enter this season of celebrating our Lord’s birth in a country that may not always feel like “home” to you. I pray for a new awareness of all God’s heavenly gift means to us, and for you to bring a touch of “home” to all you interact with this season. Remember, I’m only a Skype away if you would like to talk this season.