2013-2014 PWOC Board
Lexie, President
Lacey, VP Spiritual Life
Kristy, VP Programs
Mackenzie, Administrative Coordinator
Evah, Financial Liaison
Amanda, Publicity
Julie, Prayer
Jessica, Participation
Cassie and Mackenzie, Hospitality
Melissa, Outreach
Robin, Retreat Coordinator
Robin, Retreat Coordinator
Participation Opportunities
Want to serve, but not be on the board? Here's some great opportunities for you!
- Assist with designing t-shirts
- Assemble slideshows for special events
- Be part of the retreat planning team for Fall Rally or Spring Retreat
- Take photos at events and cross-check with photo release
- Identify and greet new attendees
- Put your name on a list to be contacted if a meal is needed
- Children's Ministry Coordinator
- Volunteer in Tuesday morning children's room
- Volunteer in Tuesday morning homeschool room
- Bake brownies or cookies for a nursing home visit
- Buy supplies for one of our nursing home birthday visits
- Help deliver quilts to nursing home at Christmas
- Volunteer to help with children or a craft for our Deployed Spouses Day Out
- Help set up tables one Tuesday morning for Bible study
- Prepare coffee and hot water for Tuesday morning
- Coordinate hospitality for one Tuesday morning, with each Bible study group hosting once per month
- Kitchen Helper, assisting rotating Bible study groups with set-up and hosting
- Donate snacks for children's ministry (goldfish, graham crackers, etc.)
- Clean the kitchen
- Take out the trash in all rooms
- Wipe down tables and vacuum as needed
- Receive training to serve as a funds collector and counter at registration tables
- Help with planning a special event, such as a Christmas tea or an outreach event
- Be part of a prayer team
- Commit to pray for Misawa PWOC ministry
- Create a prayer calendar for the PWOC year
- Wisely and carefully manage a prayer chain or vine
- Serve on a retreat team (decorations, hospitality, small group leader, registration, etc.)
- Help place approved flier around base
- Help take down fliers after events