Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Thursday - 26 August
3:00  - 4:30 p.m. 
New Park across from the Chapel!

Please drop by to play and reconnect.  Registration forms will be available if you haven't completed them.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Late Breaking Fall Rally News

I thought I'd answer a few quick questions about the Fall Rally.

This is shaping up to be a wonderful event.

Our theme is Shine in the Light of His Glory. Renee will speak to us for two sessions. We'll have a special guest speaker who will speak to us about "Shining Across Cultures". We'll have a panel discussion and be able to ask questions about how best to share Jesus with our Japanese friends. We'll work on a fantastic outreach project to bless a local nursing home at Christmas time.

You'll renew old friends after the summer travel season...and make some new friends too.

It's ALL FREE! Advance registration is only so we can have the right amount of food and supplies on hand.

We'll pass out a flier you can share with your friends this Sunday.

YES, you can attend the Fall Rally even if you don't attend the base chapel. We'd love to host you.

If you don't attend chapel and would like to sign up, or if you have any other questions, feel free to email De'Etta.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Misawa MOPS

Thursday - 26 August
3:00  - 4:30 p.m. 
New Park across from the Chapel!

Please drop by to play and reconnect.  Registration forms will be available if you haven't completed them.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Facilitator Training ~ August 21st

Do you love to dig into the Word?  Are you eager to share Holy Spirit revealed truths with others? We need you.

Are you uncomfortable preparing and teaching a study, but comfortable leading a discussion of a video study (i.e. Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer...)? We need you.

Do you feel a tug or interest to some day teach or facilitate a Bible study, but you aren't sure now is the time? We need you too. If you would like to assist and be mentored by an experienced facilitator, be sure to let Sarah know.

Bible Study Care Groups are foundational to PWOC.  We are seeking to have a facilitator/co-facilitator for each of our Fall Studies.

~For those who are leading a study in the fall or those who are simply interested in someday leading a study!

21 August ~ 9:00 - 11:30

For more information or to sign up email Sarah. Be sure to check out our upcoming Fall Studies (click colored words).

Monday, August 2, 2010

Swan Park Summer Outing

Our next Chapel Summer outing is this Thursday, 5 August, at 5:00 p.m.  Meet at the chapel parking lot to caravan to Swan Park. Feel free to bring a picnic dinner. The POC for this event is Kristin from MOPS.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

VBS Recap

A note from Mary:

Thanks to our dedicated volunteers we were able to reach 265 children this week with the message of God's tremendous love.  Many of the children who came to us (as well as many of you) are new to Misawa this summer.  How wonderful it was to be able to welcome them into our community with an exciting week of activities and learning.This open armed welcome would not have been possible without all of you stepping forward to selflessly serve.
 VBS has grown from 80 children 2 years ago, 160 children last year to 265 Children this year!

 If you really enjoyed your week and would like to consider volunteering for other chapel RE programs please contact either Trish Cronin, the Catholic Religious Education Coordinator (, or Mary, the Protestant Religious Education Coordinator (  There are lots of opportunities to serve.